10 Best Hitman 3 Tips and Tricks That You Should Know

By Usaid 3 Min Read

Hitman 3 is Agent 47’s latest outing and serves as a finale to the trilogy of games started by Hitman 2016. The game has been well-received critically and commercially, recouping the development costs within a week of release.

Unlike most games, Hitman 3 values player choice, and the open-endedness of the maps can be daunting to newer players. Hence, we have worked out some of the best tips and tricks for players to get better at the game.

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10 Tips and Tricks That Players Should Know In Hitman 3

Following are the best tips and tricks players need to know while playing Hitman 3:

  1. Save often. Hitman 3 will autosave your progress constantly, but it’s always better to be sure that the run is going as intended and have a safe point to revert to in case things go south.
  2. Exploring the map is one of the best ways to maximize a run through a level. Hitman 3 features shortcuts that can be unlocked and can be used in subsequent runs to skip through portions of a level. Try to find as many as possible.
  3. Know the limits of enemy AI. There are a plethora of ways to distract guards, make sure to find the boundaries of the system and exploit them to the fullest.
  4. Hide bodies. This may be obvious, but many first-time players ignore it as they think it is extra work. Hiding bodies properly in containers can go a long way to make sure you are not seen.
  5. Using instinct is also an important thing to consider while playing Hitman 3. This will reveal the location of your target through walls which is super useful.
  6. Don’t get hasty. Hitman 3 is a game about taking your time and plotting the most genius schemes of murder. Rushing is good for a speedrun, but not so if you want to remain unseen.
  7. Keep an eye out for keycards. Many areas in Hitman 3 will require special privileges or a keycard to enter, so make sure to look out for one.
  8. Be mindful of enforcers. The tutorial will tell you more about this and be mindful of that.
  9. A typical Hitman level will contain a bunch of items that can be used in lots of interesting ways. You never know what interesting possibilities a seemingly ordinary banana can have.
  10. Only once you have mastered the level layout and target timings attempt a Suit Only run.

These were some of the tips and tricks players should know in Hitman 3. For more on video games and anime, stay tuned to The Profaned Otaku.

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By Usaid
A prototypical computer nerd. Anything tech or games, count me in.