Hogwarts Legacy Spell List: All Hogwarts Legacy Spells and Their Abilities

Karan Yadav
By Karan Yadav 3 Min Read

Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world action role-playing game filled with magic. Players will embark on a journey in the Wizarding World, where they encounter multiple monsters and enemies. As you progress in the game, you will get various spells, talents, abilities, and access to upgrade them. This spell will help you fight against enemies and protecting yourself in the game.

In this guide, we have shared all the available spells that will help you during exploration and combat in Hogwarts Legacy.

All Hogwarts Legacy Spells and Their Abilities

Below we have shared the list of spells and their abilities in Hogwarts Legacy. However, keep in mind this information is based on speculation. We will update the list once the game is released. 

SpellWhat it does
AccioPulls enemies towards you
CrucioThis spell is also known as the Torture Curse. It inflicts unbearable pain on enemies.
LumusLights the end of the wand
FlipendoKnocks target backward
ProtegoIt works as a shield which protects you from damage.
StupefyIt stuns enemies
IncendioThis spell sets enemies on fire
DescendoThis spell slams enemies into the ground
ImperioA spell that forces enemies to fight on your behalf
RevelioReveals hidden objects nearby
RictusempraIt distracts your opponent
RiddikulusThis spell is used against boggarts to force them to change their shape
DiffindoA spell that Slices enemies and objects
Avada KedavraA spell that instantly kills your target
Arresto MomentumThis spell is used for slowing down the movement of an object
ConfringoIt acts as a fireball whose explosion deals a lot of damage
Patrificus TotalusThis spell freezes enemies so you can one-shot them
ExpelliarmusA disarming spell, disarms opponents
AlohomoraUnlocks any locked object
Wingardium LeviosaThis spell lifts small objects or animals in the air.

That concludes our guide on all Hogwarts Legacy spell and abilities. There are many more spells in Hogwarts Legacy. However, we were quick to identify these above spells.

Hogwarts Legacy is an action role playing game available on  PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox One, and PC platforms.

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