How To Download Genshin Impact 1.3 Beta

By Usaid 3 Min Read

Genshin Impact is a live-service MMORPG from MihoYo. The game takes a lot of inspiration from Zelda and subtly injects some of its own unique ideas. The game exploded in popularity shortly after it’s release in September of this year.

MiHoYo continues to expand the game by means of regular content updates. Recently, Genshin Impact received it’s version 1.2 update which adds whole new areas in addition to the regular character and gear additions. This means that Update 1.3 is going to be the next big update to the game.

If you want to have active participation in shaping the next updates’ features, be sure to check out Genshin Impact’s beta testing program. The following guide lists the pre-requisites and appropriate links to register for the program.


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How To Register For Genshin Impact 1.3 Beta

There are a couple of pre-requisites that have to be satisfied before registering for the beta branches:

  • You need to have a working and regularly active Discord account.
  • A MiHoYo account with a MiHoYo Pass
  • Should have played Genshin Impact using the MiHoYo account for at least a single time
  • A device to play the game on which could either be a mobile or a console or a desktop.

Once you ensure that all these pre-requisites are checking out, click here. This will redirect you to a form where you can fill up all the required details.

Now, the only thing left to do is wait. Since there are only a couple hundred seats for the beta branch, luck plays a vital role in getting access. If you are selected in the beta, you will receive a notification from Discord acknowledging you as an official beta tester. In case if you do not make it, don’t worry as there will be more seats for further beta branches in the future.


Disclaimer: Genshin Impact’s beta branch will contain experimental features. These features will make to the final game after rigorous feedback processes. Keep in mind that there can very well be a lot of glitches and bugs. As a beta tester, your job is to find them and report them at the earliest. 

For more on Genshin Impact and other games and anime, stay tuned to The Profaned Otaku.

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By Usaid
A prototypical computer nerd. Anything tech or games, count me in.