How To Get Better At Call of Duty: Warzone

By Usaid 3 Min Read

Call of Duty: Warzone is a massively successful free-to-play Battle Royale game. It released in March 2020 and has exploded in popularity with many streamers carving out a reputation for being the best at the game. As time passes, players get a lot more experienced with the mechanics and eventually get better at the game. This does mean that newer players struggle to keep up with them, and thus, we have brought you a bunch of tips and tricks to help you get better at the game.

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The Trifecta For A Multiplayer Shooter

A multiplayer-centric first-person-shooter has three elements to it that form the trifecta of success. The three mechanics are – aim, team co-ordination, and game sense. Aim refers to the player’s reaction times and accuracy with which they can shoot down targets. Team co-ordination refers to the ability of a player to assist their teammates in battle and give required drops and callouts. Game Sense is just a fancy word for experience with the game and comes naturally with time. As players spend more and more time with the game, they will be able to predict the opponent’s moves and counter them in seconds unnoticed, which is precisely what it is.


Know The Warzone Meta Inside-Out

In the hopes of providing longevity of the guide, we won’t talk about the current meta of Warzone. For the uninitiated, the meta simply means the strategies and weapons in the game that provide the highest chances of success. The easiest way to learn this to watch popular streamers and professional players play the game. While beginners may not understand the reasoning behind advanced strategies. there will be a lot to take back and possibly, implement in further matches.

Queue Up With The Ones You Know

Solo-queuing with randoms is a real pain. Most of the people you will come across in solo-queue would probably turn out to be casuals who aren’t serious about winning. In that case, try to team up with a couple of friends who you know will coordinate with you. If you don’t have the luxury of friends, the best way is to join Discord servers for these games, where you are sure to find a lot of enthusiastic players willing to queue up with you.

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By Usaid
A prototypical computer nerd. Anything tech or games, count me in.